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Examples of Mindlessness and Mindfulness
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Examples of Mindlessness and Mindfulness

Running late to a meeting

Examples of Mindlessness and Mindfulness

Examples of Mindlessness

You rush into a meeting frazzled that you’re late because a colleague stopped you in the hall to inform you about a problem with a client. You ruminate about how to address the issue with the client. You’re annoyed and find the presenter long-winded and wish she would hurry up because you know all this stuff and don’t really see much point in it.

Arriving home from work after a 20-minute drive, you’re unable to recall much about the traffic, unable to recall what you heard on the radio, know you were “lost in thought”, but not really able to recall what you thought about.

Example of Mindfulness

You “show up” for the morning meeting – expecting to listen to and focus on your supervisor’s announcements rather than planning your upcoming day. You don’t become distracted by worries about how many appointments you have that day. You don’t become distracted by ruminations about a conversation you plan to have with your child when you get home. You notice your own thoughts and reactions to your supervisor without judging your supervisor or your internal concerns.

— Image courtesy of jesadaphorn at



Kathleen Feil
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